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FABulous is part of the Horizon Europe Twin Transition-01-02 project cluster. Our sister projects are also working on the development of new surface treatments specifically targeting and enabling end-products with the purpose of reducing the end-products’ energy usage and/or environmental footprint. Over the next few years we will be working together to share our results and showcase the innovative research made possible by Horizon Europe.

SURE2COAT aims at developing new or improving exsisting surface treatments on metals such as copper and aluminium to increase energy efficiency, prolong components life and protect agains corrosion. The surface treatments will be virtually or physically be implemented into existing or new production lines. Cost, sustainability, applicability and impact are factors that governs the success of the individual methods. SURE2COAT is transsectorial focusing on use cases related to thermal heat storage, gas-water-heaters, engines in the food & beverage industry and gear box components in the aviation industry.


BILASURF aims at developing and integrating a process for high-rate laser functionalization of complex 3D surfaces using tailored designed riblets to reduce friction and improve the environmental footprint of industrial parts, ensuring a high throughput with the help of inline monitoring capabilities. This solution will provide European industry with a key tool to use a more efficient and environmentally friendly manufacturing process.


Fully digitalised laser-based additive manufacturing (AM) methods are so versatile they can be implemented in different industries. Compared to conventional manufacturing, AM is more energy efficient and produces less waste. However, these parts require additional surface treatments, which can be energy- and material-consuming, increasing costs and harming the environment. In this context, the EU-funded CLASCO project will develop a universal and digitalised laser-based post-process route for creating functionalised AM parts with complex shapes. While the complex parts will be produced by laser powder bed fusion, laser polishing and laser surface micro-structuring using direct laser interference patterning will be combined in a unique manufacturing system.


The overall aim of SYNTECS is to develop and demonstrate a digital and green laser texturing approach to generating complex multifunctional surfaces. A machine platform will be developed (TRL6), that enables interchangeable Direct Laser Writing (DLW), Direct Laser Interference Patterning (DLIP) and Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structuring (LIPSS), with a multi-axis motion stage for processing complex geometries and an inline monitoring and control system.

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